Condor II-C(SS)

Condor II-C(SS)

The Condor II-C(SS) LRF is a OEM module for integration into sensing, surveillance, tracking & weapons stations, and thermal imaging cameras & gimbals;for land, sea or airborne applications; designed to withstand vibration, shock, and extended temperature operation, EMI shielde.



  • Output Energy (mJ) : ≧8
  • Ranging Rate (Hz) : Single shot to 0.5 (max) at 1min “ON” and 1 min ”OFF” of 5 min (max)
  • Range finding : 100m ~20,000m
  • Range Accuracy(m) : ±2
  • Laser Safety : Class1M Eyesafe
  • Power : +12 VDC
  • Communication : RS422 or RS232

Condor II-C(SS)