Condor III-B

Condor III-B

The Condor III-B is an advance Hand-Held target locator that can accurately identify enemy position and locations during the day or at night (option). The Condor III-B combines a class I eyesafe laser rangefinder, a digital magnetic compass, an embedded Global Position System (GPS), switchable day or night vision channel (option), SVGA AMOLED binocular eyepiece display and an RS-422 / RS-232 digital interface into a compact lightweight handheld device ideally suited for artillery forward observers, forward air control, mortar launch control observers and long range reconnaissance patrols.



  • Output Energy (mJ) : ≧6mJ
  • Ranging Rate (Hz) : Single shot to 0.2Hz
  • Range finding : 100~10,000m
  • Range Accuracy(m) : ±2
  • Laser Safety : Class1M Eye safe
  • Day Camera : HAD CCD, 36X zoom/12 Digital, 440K effective pixels (PAL) Camera
  • OLED Display: 800 x 600 pixels
  • Optical Eyepiece: 10x and FOV 33.9° x 28.5°
  • DMC Accuracy : ± 0.5° (AZ &EL)
  • GPS Accuracy : ± 5m
  • Power : +12 VDC
  • Communication : RS422 or RS232Condor III-B